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Save your way
into the future

Enjoy amazing interest rates and achieve more
financial freedom by saving through the simplest,
smartest amd most comfortable way.

Save with the assurance of security

vaultway secure

256 bits SSl

vaultWay offers you state-of-the-art internet security technology, through the use of 256 bits SSl security encryption in order to safeguard your information from duplicity.

vaultway authentication


Vaultway savings account are protected by Two-factor Authentication (2FA) by default, to guaranty the safety of your account from unauthorized access.

With vaultway

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Meet your financial goals... and then, beat 'em!

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An array of novel savings plans
just for you

vaultway vault box
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Regular Vaults

Never miss out on earning up to 20% interest on your savings in the first month and 5% interest in the subsequent months with unique savings plans that even allows you to automate your savings

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Quick Vault

Maintain a strict spending culture and avoid temptations by locking away your money for brief durations with no access to it until you set a due date

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Easily get family, friends and loved ones to donate funds and save up with you on projects that are dear to your heart

Smart saving now made easy

You can start saving and earning amazing interest in just
four simple steps


Open An Account

create your own savings account with your name, email and password


Choose a Plan

Select a savings plan that suits your financial goals and time frame


Setup your Payment details

Add your bank account and debit card details for ease of payments and withdrawals.


Begin your Savings Journey

Watch your financial goals move closer to achievement each day as your savings grow.

vaultway computer

Stories from our Community

Ayodeji O.

Wahala for person wey no use VaultWay ooo. My interest rates keeps coming in daily like what was promised in the lords prayer

vaultway testimony icon

Ayodeji O.

Wahala for person wey no use VaultWay ooo. My interest rates keeps coming in daily like what was promised in the lords prayer

vaultway testimony icon

Ayodeji O.

Wahala for person wey no use VaultWay ooo. My interest rates keeps coming in daily like what was promised in the lords prayer

vaultway testimony icon
Join Our community of
savers today.

Take a big leap towards more
financial freedom.